Sunday, 26 April 2015

Epitome of squad goals

         Summer is mandatory for family and friends by the beach. Even though we'll be having our qualifying examinations at the end month of May, we tried to schedule for a break from the reality even just for awhile. It's our second time to spend summer together and we couldn't thank God any happier because it's always worth it. Being with these people is always a roller coaster of happiness and fun. I will never get tired of saying thank you to God because he answered my prayers of giving me a circle of friends that will always be there no matter what. Thank you also for the good accommodation at Residencia De Riego which is located at Locloc, Bauan, Batangas. I'm guilty that I don't appreciate our province until summer comes. Batangas has it all. Why would you go to Boracay if we have white sand as well? For me, this is my squad goals for now. It's just different when you're splashing water to each of your friends, having fun and thinking of nothing and be stress-free for a day. I still get excited every time I'm going to see all of them even if we're always together and talking to one another. Late night talks with you guys are the best. I love you all so much. Cheers to our 2 years of friendship!! <3 Another school year might begin but this friendship is always a win! Thank you Lord because we have each other. Thanks for dropping by! I promise to be back in my blog's arms this June! Lots of love xo


                                                                                                                                   Patricia <3