Hello!!! I'm so speechless right now because again, I don't know where to start
Anyways, I missed blogging and I think I know where I'm supposed to be
and to give my full attention this time. Thank you Lord because you
brought me to the position that I've wanted!!! For the past few months, I
was so depressed about my studies. 2nd year is such a monster!! This is
the first time that I experienced receiving failing grades even in a
minor subject. That's how though the competition is! I always came home
crying of my scores. Those were the days that I lost my appetite in
eating. In the first day of our exams, when I took Practical Accounting
1, God knows that I already gave up. I said in myself, "It's so hard.
If you didn't pass, it's okay not to experience this torture anymore.
When I took this course, I lost my self confidence. You're done feeling
like a booby bird this time. If God wants me to become a CPA, then
hallelujiah! If not, amen it's up to the Lord and I have still my plan
B." But yeah!!!! THANK YOU!!!! I will be forever grateful for this!
Again, you didn't fail me Lord! I didn't fail myself this time! Nothing
is impossible. Thank you because I'm so blessed right now not only about
this but in every aspect in life. Thank you for the gift of family!!
When I was young, I pray that I'll grow up with a complete and happy
family Thank you especially for
keeping my Dad safe in the other country! Thank you because I have a
very supportive lola that I can stay up to 12 AM just telling stories to
each other! Thank you! To my cousin, Jen who's always there to listen
to all my rants in life an understads me with no bad judgement, I love
you babe and thank you! To Maycy, thank you for ALL and EVERYTHING
including your house, food and useful notes and knowledge, woah,
couldn't do this without you girl! To Karla, who brought us to St. Jude
parish and who was there to cheer me up and leaves viber message,
"MAKAKAPASA KA SA QUALI, TANDAAN MO YAN - sent 2014" I love you always
bitch! To my bestfriend, Bea Theresa, I love you baby. Thank you because
you're the best. Lahat lahat na I
remember when I was still devastated ( hahaa lakas) last summer 2013, I
prayed to God, "I know it's not for me. Please, surround me with people
who have genuine heart and one bading pls! So God gave me Almira,
Joice, Glecie, Mattiaz, Christine, Clarissa and Richmon!!!! HAHAHAHA!
THIS GROUP OF FRIENDS, I CAN ASSURE YOU!!!!! This is the group of
friends that I can imagine living in a condo in Makati because we work
in the same firm after 4 years! HAHAHA. I can imagine the chaos and
inner peace whenever we are together. I can imagine myself being a
ninang ( already yassss ) to their future babies hahahaha and vice
versa! Hahahaha. I don't know but I feel forever with them. I feel so
comfortable telling everything like natatae ako. Tapos sabay pala kami
ni Joice mga 12am pa yun magkachat kami nagpaalam ako tapos ayun
nagmurahan na ang mga hampas lupa
Bastaaa, I don't see them as my friends but I consider them as a
representation of myself already. Wala makakasira sa friendship namin.
Napatunayan na namin yun sa qualifying exam. Whatever happens in the
future, no one and nothing can outweigh everything. From all the
laughters, late night gossips, confessions, breakfast - lunch- merienda -
dinner - midnight snacks, movie marathons & studying?! NO JUST NO!
WE'RE INEFFECTIVE ABOUT IT HAHAHAHA. They are the kind of people who
will argue about the t-ice bottle in a convenience store discussing
which part of the financial accounting 2 it is. Sigawan at it's finest!
ahhahaa! Now, we're down to the remaining 6 sems! I'm not yet ready tho
because I'm still tired Anyways,
the fight must go on! This is just another start of battle! I will never
tired of trying! God will provide the strength and I shall work
I will fulfill my promises during my review days once I pass the
qualifying exams... HAAHA! Thank you to my good professors ( If you gave
me high grades then you're good and if not, have conscience... pls?
Kidding po lol ), bullyfriends ( I LOVE YOU THE WAY I LOVE MYSELF AND
IT'S UNCONDITIONAL ), family and God! Let's do this!!!!! CPA MOVEMENT!
CPA PROPER!!!! I may not be the best student in the class but I can assure you, I always do my best as a student!
Top: Trendz; Leggings: Forever 21; Heels: Dr. Mise; Bag: Girbaud; Watch: Baby-G
Patricia <3